A dedicated bariatric surgery clinic is in function in AIIMS. The clinic will go a long way in fulfilling various needs of the obese patients. The need for specialised clinic hours for obese patients has been a long felt need since these patients require a longer time with the doctor in order to counsel them adequately regarding the various aspects of bariatric surgery. Patients who want to get operated and require counselling regarding the various aspects of bariatric surgery can meet and get their doubts cleared. Moreover patients who have been operated previously can have a more organized follow-up.
Bariatric Surgery clinic will offer a lot of advantages to our patients.
One…… patients need not wait in long, never-ending queues to meet up with their doctor. Since our patients need at least two to three appointments with their doctor before the surgery, this has definitely proved to be a blessing in disguise for them.
Second…..patients who want to get operated will definitely have a lot of doubts regarding the surgery even if they have been counselled in detail by their doctor. Nothing works better than a fellow obese patient, who underwent bariatric surgery previously telling them regarding the benefits he/she has gained due to the surgery. The bariatric surgery clinic provides this opportunity for our pre-operative patients to interact with our operated patients who come for follow up visits and have their fears addressed.
Three…our operated patients who come for their follow up visits get more time to discuss their various problems with the doctor.
We have the services of our team of dieticians too in our clinic so that diet counselling can be done at the same time.
The bariatric surgery clinic provides this opportunity for our pre-operative patients to interact with our operated patients who come for follow up visits and have their fears addressed.
We conduct the Bariatric Surgery Clinic every Thursday at 2 pm in room no.10, 5th-floor surgery OPD.
Dr. Sandeep Aggarwal
Professor, Department of Surgical Disciplines
Bariatric Surgery Clinic
Department of Surgical Disciplines
Room No. 10, Surgery OPD, 5th Floor
Every Thursday at 2.00 p.m.
Phone: 011 26594905, 26588430
Mobile: 999 904 2688, 982 188 7385