Gastric bypass surgery is a weight loss procedure which is considered when diet and exercise have not worked or when you have serious health problems because of your weight. It works by decreasing the amount of food you can eat at one sitting and by changing the hormones released at the bottom of the stomach and duodenum and small intestine.
The operation is done under general anaesthesia. This means you will be asleep during the procedure. Gastric bypass is usually done using keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery. The operation usually takes two hours. You will usually be able to go home two to three days after your operation but it usually takes between four and six weeks to make a full recovery from a gastric bypass operation.
There is a battery of tests you must undergo before RYGB. This is to ensure that your operation is carried out with the least risk and also prevent all avoidable post op complications. To assess your fitness to undergo surgery, we will do routine blood tests, an echocardiography (for your heart), pulmonary function tests (for your lungs), a sleep study (regarding snoring and episodes of breathlessness in your sleep), and Thyroid function tests. You will need to undergo an ultrasound of your abdomen and a Doppler study (a type of Ultrasound) of your lower limb veins.
An Upper GI endoscopy is done in which a gastroenterologist passes a telescope through your mouth into your stomach so that he can see the inside of your stomach on a screen connected to the telescope. This is to see any ulcers in your stomach if present as then the operation will have to be postponed. This is a short procedure that may cause you slight discomfort. Your endocrinologist will also conduct a few blood tests to assess your diabetic status.You may need to undergo additional tests if indicated by the results of the above mentioned investigations.
You will also have sessions with your dietician who will assess your ideal weight and BMI. Your dietician will give you a diet chart for you to follow. It is necessary that the diet restrictions must begin prior to the surgery. You are advised to lose 4-5 kg prior to your operation which not only makes your operation safer but is also a proof of your motivation to lose weight.
This brochure is not intended to replace your discussions with your surgeon and dietician. Your decision to undergo the procedure should be made after your consultation with your surgeon. if you have any questions regarding the procedure, you must ask your doctor.
This brochure intends to give you a basic understanding regarding Laproscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) Surgery which is an effective surgical procedure for treatment of morbid obesity.